The Art of Worldly Wisdom

Modérateur: Virginie

The Art of Worldly Wisdom

Messagede Karl » 23 Fév 2009 15:00

I was surfing the net when I stumbled upon a series of strange maxims by an obscur author Baltasar Gracián.

300 maxims called The Art of Worldly Wisdom.

This is a collection of 300 paragraphs on various topics giving advice and guidance on how to live fully, advance socially, and be a better person.

As far as I know, Graciàn was a writer, a philosoph and a priest and these maxims were written in 1637.

I like to read some everyday for in my opinion this text contain really good advices and can help one be more prudent and wise in his daily interaction with other people.

Have a nice day.

Ps : Pardon my english !
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