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 Deliver of Gold

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Us, The 

Gentiles ones

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To Know

Listen to me the Man

The Illusion

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 The Woman : The balance of planet

The Nature

The Forest

The seasons


Our planet




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The old philosophy of the Gentils that one will call Paganism later But what is thus that Gentilisme and the gentil ? Firstly let us approach the definitions:

Here some encyclopaedic definitions:

Encyclopaedic Dictionary QUILLET

The Gentils
The Jews hellenists indicated the foreign nations by the expression "the nations", to which corresponds exactly the Latin term gentes. Consequently, they gave all the individuals who were not Jewish the qualification which is translated into Latin by gentiles. Thus the word gentilis, that we translated by nice, only meant another thing foreign. But as all the nations of the world were regarded as idolâtres, this word became soon synonymous with pagan, of idolâtre, and it is in the sense that it is employed in the books of the New Will, as well as the writings of the first fathers of the Church.
(c) 1995 Encyclopædia Universalis
The Gentils
Whereas the Old Will developed in a relatively homogeneous medium, the writings of the New Will answer, indeed, with the needs for speech communities and cultural extremely various, since the Jews of Palestine until nice of Egypt, the Black Sea, Perse, Rome and perhaps of Spain.

The Gentils
male name
(Latin gentiles, pagan; Hebrew word)
1. Foreigner, for the former Hebrews.
2. Pagan, for the first Christians.
Lastly, the Robert dictionaries and Larousse give the same definition of Gentilité
GENTILITÉ N F. - Relig. Together pagan people
Here for the nice ones, the gentility, now let us see these words: pagan, paganism

PAGANISM (c) 1995 Encyclopædia Universalis

Pagan, paganism are words of Christian, labels which the rising religion attaches to the declining religions. The Christians called paganism the ancient polytheism, to which people of the campaigns (Latin, pagani) remained a long time faithful. By extension, the theologists considered pagan all the religious forms which are neither Jewish nor Christian; there is hesitation for Islam, third religion of the Book: the Middle Ages sometimes treated pagan Moslems.
Certain phenomenologists of the religions tried to define paganism with other criteria that those of the history or geography and, of course, they withdrew from the word any polemical point. According to them, paganism is a mode of apprehension of crowned (or the divine one) through purely natural mediations: those of material nature, alive nature or the psychological nature of the man (representations of the gods in forms cosmic, vegetable, animal, human).

Paganism [ Inserted 99 ]
Name given by the Christians of the end of the Roman Empire to the old beliefs and practical religious polytheists.
The term, in Latin paganus, who means "pagan" or "country", applies to the group and the individual as a member of this group. In front of the case of a member of a pagan community which converts with Christianity, one speaks about pagano-Christian. To the Christian direction, the term applies to all not-baptized, and more precisely to any religious group which does not form part of Alliance (Jews and Moslems could not be called pagan).
The pagan ones, for the Christians, of the men belonging to an ethnic group are given who yet historically did not hear the call of Christianity or refuse it in the name of their religious traditions. The term indicates today a great diversity of indigenous or "?usuals religions?". The religions all are not laid out to accept such a designation because of the often negative and pejorative connotations whose term was sullied during the colonial period in particular in Africa

In short :
The Gentils is that which was foreign to the Jewish people
The Pagan one is thus a not-Christian

The Gentils disappeared little by little because of the religions. They did not have of cease to seek or to destroy them physically or then to convert them.
All their crowned writings show it, all the writings of the fathers of the Church also.
And yet the "Nice one " remained in the current language like meaning somebody of good
The Gentil-homme term results from this

Here some quotations:

Chateaubriant (François Rene, Viscount of), Genius of Christianity.
"It was necessary that Christianity came to drive out these people of faunas, satyrs and nymphs, to return to the caves their silence and wood their daydream"

Augustin(354-430), theologist, preacher, father and Doctors of the Church
Complete works of Saint Augustin, éd. Guerin, Bar-le-Duc, 1868
Title: "Against The Gentils"
Sermon 240. XIe pronounced for the Easter.
Augustin endeavours to show at the time of a sermon to his audience which the reincarnation such as it is conveyed in Occident and is explained by the most brilliant philosophers is to some extent puffed up by god even if these philosophers have, in his opinion, deviated of the Truth and due.....
Here is an extract:
IV 4. These thus, as I pointed out it yesterday to you, sought what there was afterwards, i.e. what occurred after this life it is as men that they made this research: but how could they find, since they were men? They did not have the doctrines of God, they had not heard the Prophets: they could not discover what they did nothing but suspect. I brought back yesterday to you what they had suspected. The bad hearts, say, leave [ the body ], and, because they stupid, turn over all at once in another body; the hearts of wise and right leave [ the body ], and, because they lived well, they fly away towards the sky. It is quite known as, it is a good beautiful place which that where they send them: they managed to fly away towards the sky. And there, that does it occur? They there are, say, and have their rest with the gods there: the stars [ stellæ ] are their seats [ sedes ].
The encyclopaedia says to us that Saint Augustin is the father of the Church of Occident. He is a Christian of this century of gold which was IVe century for the Christian Church
And then others as Thomas d' Aquin wrote: Summon against the nice ones
Here to locate in a historical context and encyclopaedic what were the nice ones, but whereas do they come to make, here, today?

What is thus that the GENTILISME?
It is nothing other than this philosophy of all the people, which well before the Jewish, Christian and Moslem monotheïsm believed in the forces of nature, which honoured them, therefore honoured the Goddess Mother.
They had a developed spirituality well.

For Gentilisme, the values of KNOWLEDGE, FREEDOM, VERITE were fundamental and today perhaps more than yesterday these values make universal SENSE.
Those which practise this philosophy believes in a specific deïty to each being but in him to reveal it every days in words, in acts but also in thoughts.

The Respect each alive being, of Nature as a whole - because we form part of the same vibratory unit. Each one of us has a role which is allotted to him to be in harmony
Finally we must have the noble behavior of the knight. Noble in its acts, its heart and ready to act with compassion.
You see it, it is thus not here question of competition, glory, pride. There is no question of crushing either, to dominate.
Our daily behavior must be turned towards the other without any distinction.
To help is also a gift for that which helps because it withdraws a joy from it
Here in this some broad outline what is Gentilism
You can say to us what you think!!